Our veterinarians are fortunate to have access to their own back-of-house work station behind their consult room. This station is equipped with individual Microscopes and allows the Vet to access to an Idexx Blood Chemistry Machine - enabling the ability to fast track blood results of patients. (Given that this catalyst is available to the practice.)
Microscopes are used predominantly for faecal floats, ear cytology and blood smears.
Faecal floats are used to determine if there are any parasite eggs in a companions faeces. A salt solution is used to allow the eggs to float for counting purposes.
Ear cytology is a prompt and straightforward diagnosis and management tool that assist is determining if there is a presence of organisms within the ear canal. A sample of the otic discharge is taken from the pets ear and smeared on slide. The slide is then stained and dried and placed under the microscope for examination.
Blood smear are crucial part of medicine practice and can sometimes be overlooked, which is why at Craig View it forms part of our protocol for particular cases. A complete haematology or full blood count for an animal requires a blood smear examination.